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Barbara Klein - Training & Therapie! Immer mit der Ruhe

Sportphysiotherapeutin, Erfinderin des FLEXI-BAR® und eine der erfolgreichsten Unternehmerinnen bei QVC!

Erfahrt noch mehr über das Allround Talent und einen ihrer größten Geheimtipps!

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FLEXI-BAR STANDARD – Red + Introductory DVD
Simply look good and feel good! The FLEXI-BAR STANDARD helps you to reach your personal training goal: the FLEXI-BAR STANDARD is our multi-talent, excellently suited for beginners and well-trained people of all ages alike. The FLEXI-BAR STANDARD was awarded the AGR Seal of Approval as a fitness tool for back health and gymnastics. The FLEXI-BAR STANDARD can be used in prevention and after-care, but also as a supplement to any other type of sport, as it improves balance, stability, muscular endurance and coordination. To provide you with even more information about the FLEXI-BAR and demonstrate the exercises even better, we have developed an introductory + training DVD for you. Incl. introductory DVD, FREE with the FLEXI-BAR straight away  Incl. workout plans 1–2 with 20 exercises and precise training description on the exercises. Whether at home or in the office, beginner or advanced, just three 10-minute training sessions per week are enough to give you an entirely new physical feeling and guarantee an effective workout. You’ll feel completely different after just a short time Proprioceptive form of training with neck and back pain Firmer connective tissue Improved posture Body styling Bottom muscle definition Fat Burning Increased concentration Can be used to support recovery training after pregnancy Technical data:ORIGINAL FLEXI-BAR STANDARD:Length: 153.5 cmWeight: 518 gEAN: 4260059761055


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