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Incl. workout DVD "Training with the functional exercise mat"

The all-rounder with an edge length of 88 cm x 88 cm (91.5 x 91.5 cm) and flattened edge on every side.

Suitable for home workouts, but also as a supportive mat to ease the joints while performing activities standing up such as cooking, ironing, etc., or for the children’s room.

  • 60% reduced strain on joints (hips, knees, etc.)
  • Maximum protection for users
  • Optimised functional training

Efficient functional training and optimal protection for athletes

The functional mat by FLEXI-SPORTS® was developed especially for functional fitness and is highly durable. It provides users with stability and supports them during workouts while protecting the joints. The optimal mat for functional training is neither hard nor soft, but cushioning and elastic! The basis of functional training is the mat.

Scope of Delivery:

1x DVD "Training with the functional mat" (approx. 55 min.)


FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE MAT (further information)

The mat is manufactured and produced in Germany in line with the highest safety requirements and quality standards of ISO standard 9001:2000. We provide you with a two-year warranty on the functional mat.

The functional exercise mat consists entirely of permanently elastic polyurethane (PUR) foam. It reduces strain and does not slip, offering athletes maximum comfort and protection. The mat also has sound- and heat-insulating properties. The sturdy mat therefore combines all the requirements you could need from a modern exercise mat – it is healthy, pleasant and gentle on the joints.

  •  resistant
  •  cushioning
  •  anti-bacterial
  •  allergy-free
  •  hygienic
  •  skin-friendly

Edge Length: 88 x 88 cm
Total Size: 91.5 x 91.5 cm
Thickness: 15 mm
Colour: dark grey
Material: PUR foam


1x DVD – Training with the functional mat

An effective workout with Barbara Klein and Andreas Sasse
Barbara Klein and Andreas Sasse present two ways to work out on the functional mat from FLEXI-SPORTS. The mat is made from hygienic, anti-bacterial and cushioning PurTec material.

It is therefore more than just any old mat for working out, but a foundational system that protects you and your body: when walking, standing, jumping, running and kneeling on the functional mat, the strain on the knee and hip joints is reduced by up to 60%.

During the "Cardio" training section, you will complete a cardiovascular workout that activates the metabolism and trains the cardiovascular system. During "Floorwork", you will perform full-body exercises on the mat, which allows you to work out with wonderful protection thanks to the cushioning, functional material, and you will discover just how comfortable working out on the mat feels on your joints.

DVD Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Cardio
  3. Floorwork
  4. Bonus: medROLL
  5. Bonus: NutraLinea
  6. Bonus: Trailer for functional mat

Presenters: Barbara Klein, Andy Sasse
Language: German
Runtime: approx. 55 minutes 

Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Format: Dolby, PAL
Number of Discs: 1
FSK: Informational programme
Production / Studio: FLEXI-SPORTS / das modul



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