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The perfect start to spring!

Still struggling to get moving? Are you suffering from the famous spring fatigue?

Still struggling to get moving?
Are you suffering from the famous spring fatigue?
It's a well-known fact that this is not due to spring but, among other things, to an overloaded liver.
The daily influences of sugar, including fructose from fruit, alcohol and/or medicines, overload the liver.
This usually does not react with pain but with inertia.
We have put together 6 helpful tips on how to start spring feeling motivated and happy!

6 tips to tackle spring fatigue:

- Lots of exercise and walks in the sunlight and fresh air boost the production of serotonin "the happy hormone".
- Alternating showers, preferably in combination with a brush massage, strengthen the connective tissue and train the blood vessels!
- Toughening up is good, but don't overexert yourself. End an active day with a cosy evening, a hot lemon or a hot cherry juice (melatonin formation promotes sleep). Alternatively, if you are having problems in this department, our BK product SleepWell miracle is here to help. 
- Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, wholemeal products and pulses to get rid of extra winter weight. Make sure to eat a small portion of protein before consuming carbohydrates. Start for example with meat/fish, feta or egg.
- Vitamins, minerals and trace elements can help against persistent tiredness, fatigue and concentration problems. Chromium and/or zinc are often deficient, as well as magnesium.

Barbara's TIP:

By the way, our BK SuperGreens are ideal for the perfect start to spring! This super green superweapon is rich in vitamins B5, B6, C and zinc and covers your daily vitamin needs in the simplest and most uncomplicated way and is ideal as a tasty wake-up snack. DETOX, low-calorie, uncomplicated and good for the acid/base balance! 

You can find more tips regularly on my Facebook account:, on Instagram at: barbarakleinofficial or on my YouTube Channel BK by Barbara Klein. 


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