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9 sanfte Übungen für einen Starken Körper

Sport-Physiotherapeutin Barbara Klein zeigt uns ihr Ganzkörpertraining mit dem Loop. Jetzt ausprobieren!

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Big Loop Yellow for Beginners Slim, lightweight and variable – get fit with our REHAB LOOP  from BK SPORT:Upper body, tummy, legs, bottom – the sky is the limit when it comes to working out with the REHA LOOP from BK SPORT. The loop is ideal for rehabilitation and effective stretching exercises in physiotherapy as well as for high load demands in competitive sport. Different resistances offer you a range of different combination possibilities and gradually increase the intensity of your workout. Depending on your wishes, you can work out with the loops freely, or fix them to a firm anchor point to establish different training levels (training stimuli). Why work out with loops? The basic principle behind working out with the loops is clear: The loops are made of bungee material and the more they are stretched, the greater the resistance becomes. At the same time, the loops retract to their starting position, meaning that your muscles have to work against the resistance generated concentrically as well as eccentrically with each exercise. Working out with the loops therefore increases mobility while fully stimulating the muscles. The benefits of working out with the loops  · Virtually unlimited exercise possibilities· The ideal workout tools for dynamic full-body workouts· Increased eccentric load· Suitable for every fitness level· Use in prevention· Use during rehabilitation after injuries and in physiotherapy· Can be used as a supplementary tool, e.g. while walking or running· Ideal for stretching exercises· Suitable for individual and partnered workouts · A space-saving workout option for indoors and outdoors· Can be combined with other equipment, e.g. trampoline, additional arm and core training· Excellent value for moneySize: Big Loop 1040 x 13 x 4.5 mm 


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